Utthunga - uFDI-DTM and uDD-DTM Converter


Utthunga - uFDI-DTM and uDD-DTM Converter


Product Type: Configuration Tool

  • Protocol: Modbus

  • Not FDI Registered

  • Additional Information

  • Description:

    Make FDI devices packages your single source for instrument configuration TODAY. Use the Utthunga uFDI-DTM and uDD-DTM converter to support existing DTM based systems.

Attached the uFDI-DTM & uDD-DTM image for the same.

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FDI Capability Support
 Certificates  Displays digital signing certificates of an FDI package to the user
 Device Templates  Supports configuration using Templates if present in the EDD or FDI Package
 Device Variants  Supports configuration using Variants if present in the EDD or FDI Package
 Online Repository  M2M API to the FieldComm Group online repository of EDDs and FDI Packages
Device Data Management
 Bulk Download  Initiate download of configurations across multiple field devices
 Upload/Download  Supports standardized menus for up/downloading device data
User Interface Plug-Ins (UIPs)
 UIP .NET  Supports UIPs built with .NET
 UIP HTML5  Supports UIPs built with HTML5